*We host fun tennis and pickleball mixers (free for members):
- Tennis – Tuesdays at 6:30pm: Our monitor or volunteer will organize matches. We’ll even supply the tennis balls. Registration for this event is not required.
- Sunday mornings for 3.0+ players(start time varies): If you ask to be added to this group when you register and you will receive weekly invitations.
- Pickleball – Volunteers will organize matches. We can even lend you a racket if you need one! Starting in June 2023, we will have 4 pickleball courts. Pickleball mixers happen:
- Wednesdays at 9am (This activity will be cancelled during court renovations)
- Thursdays at 6pm
- Saturdays at 9am
*We offer free tennis clinics in the months of May and June:
- Monday nights at 7pm. Registration required through court reserve.
*Join the tennis ladder:
- You can sign up through Court Reserve.
- Singles tennis for women and men of all skill levels.
- It’s a great way to play against players of a similar skill level and meet other players!
- Participants will be split into brackets (groups of about 4-5 players), based on skill level.
- You will have 4 weeks to play everyone in your bracket.
- Based on # of wins/losses, players can move up, move down or stay in the same bracket.
- Members can join at any time through Court Reserve.
- MORE INFO including full rules.
*Play one of our monitors:
- Monitors are present every evening, 6-9pm, except Saturday.
- You can reach out to them ahead of time (monitors@elmridgetennis.com) to set up a match or just try showing up.
*Use the facilities for practice:
- Use the practice wall on court #4.
- Ask one of our monitors to show you how to use the ball machine and take it onto court #4.
- Grab one of the ball hoppers in the clubhouse.